Read these books interactively at
Scars of a Magician (Written by Robert B Herring Jr)
The adventures of Hilary Hickenbottham (Written by Karen Haining; Illustrated by Rowin Agarao)
Dreamland (Written by Julia E Clements)
Miss Wisherley's Bus Adventures: No Monkey Business (Volume 3) (Written and illustrated by Nichole A Cole)
Rosie and Friends: One Of A Kindness (Written by Helen C Hipp; Illustrated by Taryn L Cozzy)
Margot gets an unexpected visit (Written by Lieve Snellings)
The Adventures of Melvin Walker: Melvin Learns How To Swim (by Myron Campbell)
Jordan the Jellyfish: A Chesapeake Bay Adventure (Written by Cindy Freland; Illustrated by Jon C. Munson II)