Read these books interactively at
Adventures of Squeaky Doo: A Teddy Bear's Adventures (Written by Brenda C. Mohammed)
Thor The Polar Boar (Written and illustrated by Baruch Inbar)
Rosie and Friends: One Of A Kindness (Written by Helen C Hipp; Illustrated by Taryn L Cozzy)
Brandon Makes Jiao Zi (Written by Eugenia Chu; Illustrated by Helena Chu Ho)
Mr. Shipman's Kindergarten Chronicles: The First Day of School (Written by Terance Shipman; Illustrated by Milan Ristic)
Mr. Shipman's Kindergarten Chronicles: December Celebrations (Written by Terance Shipman; Illustrated by Milan Ristic)
Yara My Friend from Syria (Written by Alhan Rahimi; Illustrated by Anahit Aleksanyan)
Bilal and the Big Bully (Written by Farhan Khalid)
BJ's Big Dream (Written by Sonia Cunningham Leverette; Illustrated by Deanna M.)
Margot gets an unexpected visit (Written by Lieve Snellings)
My Toilet is Bigger than Yours (Written by Jean M. R. Hawthorn-DaCosta; Illustrated by Pete McDaniel)
Lucy and Chester's Amazing Adventures (Written by G. Brian Benson; Illustrated by Paul Hernandez)
I May Not Be Like You, But We Could Be Friends (Written by Sabrena Bishop & Tamira Butler-Likely; Illustrated by Tyler Waite)