Read these books interactively at
Lucy and Chester's Amazing Adventures (Written by G. Brian Benson; Illustrated by Paul Hernandez)
Steve the Alien (Written by G. Brian Benson; Illustrated by Paul Hernandez)
Disco Balls of the Universe (Written by Imani Ariana Grant & Shaneika Burchell-Kerr; Illustrated by Zachary-Michael Clarke & Simmone-Anais Clarke)
Olivia Lauren's Olivia Travels: A Guide to Modes of Transportation (Volume 3) (Written by Melissa-Sue John & Olivia Lauren; Illustrated by Niquey)
Big Cat Pirates: Tiger's Gold (Written and Illustrated by Steven Kersey)
Not All Frogs Are Green (Written by Brenda Major & Mia Dawson; Illustrated by Chloe Vecellio)
Neo and the Blue Balloon (Written by Brenda Major & Mia Dawson; Illustrated by Chloe Vecellio)
The Snitch, The Witch, and The One Who Was Rich (by Joe Spraga)
Nathaniel English in Life of a Panther (written by Michelle Person, illustrated by Kaustuv Brahmachari)
Tell Me A Story, Grandma Glee Book 1 - Perry The Fairy And Her Tail (Written by Tsila Glidai, illustrated by Tamar Efrati)
SNURTLE (Written and illustrated by Baruch Inbar)
Bad Dog? (written by Tracy Blom; Illustrated by Kevin Coffey)
The Little Pharaoh Adventure Series (written by Tracy Blom; Illustrated by Sang Nguyen)
The Adventures of Melvin Walker: Melvin Learns How To Swim (by Myron Campbell)
The Adventures of Melvin Walker: Melvin Goes To The Ballpark (by Myron Campbell)
Jordan the Jellyfish: A Chesapeake Bay Adventure (Written by Cindy Freland; Illustrated by Jon C. Munson II)
Tommy James The Littlest Cowboy In Reckon (Written by Maria Ashworth; Illustrated by )
Raspberry Sassafras: The Famous Flying Cow (by Allison Holland)
Raspberry Sassafras (by Allison Holland)
Raspberry Sassafras: I Am A Cow (by Allison Holland)
Jingles The Elephant Saves Christmas: Black / White Santa
Brian Dright: Weatherman of Mystery (by Steve Lill)