Read these books interactively at
Scars of a Magician (Written by Robert B Herring Jr)
The adventures of Hilary Hickenbottham (Written by Karen Haining; Illustrated by Rowin Agarao)
Adventure in Malasorte Castle (Written by Julia E Clements)
The Bee Hive Cafe (Written and illustrated by Nichole A Cole)
Cat in the Grass - Gato en el Sacate (Written and illustrated by Sonya Gonzalez)
Ben's West Texas Snow (Written by Callie Metler-Smith; Illustrated by Christee Curran-Bauer)
Jordan the Jellyfish: A Chesapeake Bay Adventure (Written by Cindy Freland; Illustrated by Jon C. Munson II)
Tommy James The Littlest Cowboy In Reckon (Written by Maria Ashworth; Illustrated by )
Jingles The Elephant Saves Christmas: Black / White Santa