Read these books interactively at
Not All Frogs Are Green (Written by Brenda Major & Mia Dawson; Illustrated by Chloe Vecellio)
Bessie, Queen of the Sky (written by Andrea Doshi & Jimena Durán; Illustrated by Chiara Fabbri)
A Stanton Pack Adventure: Dutchess Scarlett Isabella
The Stanton Pack Adventures: Bella's Big Day
Scars of a Magician (Written by Robert B Herring Jr)
The adventures of Hilary Hickenbottham (Written by Karen Haining; Illustrated by Rowin Agarao)
Adventure in Malasorte Castle (Written by Julia E Clements)
Dreamland (Written by Julia E Clements)
The Bee Hive Cafe (Written and illustrated by Nichole A Cole)
Miss Wisherley's Bus Adventures: Being a Good Sport (Volume 4) (Written and illustrated by Nichole A Cole)
Miss Wisherley's Bus Adventures: No Monkey Business (Volume 3) (Written and illustrated by Nichole A Cole)
Miss Wisherley's Bus Adventures: Don't Judge a Book by its Cover (Volume 1) (Written and illustrated by Nichole A Cole)
Adventures of Squeaky Doo: A Teddy Bear's Adventures (Written by Brenda C. Mohammed)
Miss Wisherley's Bus Adventures: No Bullies Allowed (Volume 2) (Written and illustrated by Nichole A Cole)
Cat in the Grass - Gato en el Sacate (Written and illustrated by Sonya Gonzalez)
Not Again! The Adventures of Breanna and Allyson (Written by Sarah Hays; Illustrated by Mike Motz)
Ben's Adventures: Day at the Beach (Written by Elizabeth Gerlach; Illustrated by Yip Jar Design)
Thor The Polar Boar (Written and illustrated by Baruch Inbar)
Rosie and Friends: One Of A Kindness (Written by Helen C Hipp; Illustrated by Taryn L Cozzy)
Ben's West Texas Snow (Written by Callie Metler-Smith; Illustrated by Christee Curran-Bauer)
Justin's Pumpkin Patch Adventure (Written by Tamika Prince; Illustrated by Devin Smith)
BJ's Big Dream (Written by Sonia Cunningham Leverette; Illustrated by Deanna M.)
One Big Bully (written by Tracy Blom; Illustrated by Sang Nguyen)
Puppy Pickup Day (Written by April M. Cox; Illustrated by Smith Len)