Read these books interactively at
Journey to Constellation Station (Written by Lindsay C. Barry; Illustrated by Jamin Hoyle)
I Have Big Dreams: Rianna Dreams of Competing in the Olympics (Written by Rianna Facey & Tywanna Gardner)
I Love Music too! Cute Stories and Catchy Tunes (Written and illustrated by Sonya Gonzalez)
Cat in the Grass - Gato en el Sacate (Written and illustrated by Sonya Gonzalez)
Not Again! The Adventures of Breanna and Allyson (Written by Sarah Hays; Illustrated by Mike Motz)
Ben's Adventures: Day at the Beach (Written by Elizabeth Gerlach; Illustrated by Yip Jar Design)
Thor The Polar Boar (Written and illustrated by Baruch Inbar)
Rosie and Friends: One Of A Kindness (Written by Helen C Hipp; Illustrated by Taryn L Cozzy)
Ben's West Texas Snow (Written by Callie Metler-Smith; Illustrated by Christee Curran-Bauer)
El Abrazo Mágico del Arcoíris (Written by Janet A. Courtney PhD)
Brandon Makes Jiao Zi (Written by Eugenia Chu; Illustrated by Helena Chu Ho)
Sally's Magical Horse (Written by Jessica Levitt; Illustrated by Avery Leill-Kok)
Mr. Shipman's Kindergarten Chronicles: The First Day of School (Written by Terance Shipman; Illustrated by Milan Ristic)
Mr. Shipman's Kindergarten Chronicles: December Celebrations (Written by Terance Shipman; Illustrated by Milan Ristic)
Yara My Friend from Syria (Written by Alhan Rahimi; Illustrated by Anahit Aleksanyan)
Bilal and the Big Bully (Written by Farhan Khalid)
The Fearless Fantabulous Five (Written by Emily Bastien; Illustrated by Raman Bhardwaj)
Made by Raffi (Written by by Craig Pomranz; Illustrated by Margaret Chamberlain)
Pharaoh's Arrow (Written and Illustrated by George Neeb)
Wex's Wacky Adventure to Koma Keone Island (Written and illustrated by Michael Joffroy)
Justin's Pumpkin Patch Adventure (Written by Tamika Prince; Illustrated by Devin Smith)
BJ's Big Dream (Written by Sonia Cunningham Leverette; Illustrated by Deanna M.)
One Big Bully (written by Tracy Blom; Illustrated by Sang Nguyen)
Loving Granna Rose (written by Dorie Deats; illustrated by Joanna Pasek)