Read these books interactively at
Not All Frogs Are Green (Written by Brenda Major & Mia Dawson; Illustrated by Chloe Vecellio)
Thor The Polar Boar (Written and illustrated by Baruch Inbar)
Rosie and Friends: One Of A Kindness (Written by Helen C Hipp; Illustrated by Taryn L Cozzy)
Wex's Wacky Adventure to Koma Keone Island (Written and illustrated by Michael Joffroy)
Puppy Pickup Day (Written by April M. Cox; Illustrated by Smith Len)
Deer Oh Deer: A Max & Tucker Adventure (written by Ed Ehlers, illustrated by Emely Pascual)
Margot gets an unexpected visit (Written by Lieve Snellings)
The Cat That Wouldn't Go Away (by Rianna Facey & Tywanna Gardner)
Lily and Lucy: An Easter Story (written by Ed Ehlers, illustrated by Emely Pascual)
Andrew The Blue-Eared Puppy (Written by Marla Huehmer, illustrated by Natasha Huehmer)